Welcome to The Fun Factor!
The Fun Factor provides tools, resources and information to help you achieve higher levels of personal and professional success by finding more fun and happiness in your life.
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How Does The Fun Factor Transform Lives?
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Why am I doing this? Because I believe there should be more happiness, joy and positivity in the world.
Our culture in this country does too much "time travelling." By this I mean spending too much time looking at the past or toward the future, and not enough time balancing it out by just living in the present. Many of us dwell on the past or worry about the future, and obsess and stress about those things we cannot control.
When I started this endeavor over 5 years ago, I really had no idea I would trip across something so significant or transformative. I learned being more "present" made my life much clearer. I was more objective of myself. I was able to ask more relevant questions which applies to the quality of my life. What was probably THE most significant element of this journey so far, was I became unafraid of the answers. What was the natural extension of this new realization and reality that came with my new self? I feel more happy, content, and fun.
As I started to integrate new elements of fun and happiness into my life I begin to find very strange and exciting successes begin to emerge, both in my personal and professional life. In my business, prospects came with less effort; clients returned more frequently. And, while money has never really motivated me, it came more often and in larger amounts. Personally, my relationships with family and friends blossomed, and my health improved.
But, the most awesome thing about all of these changes were I was enjoying life so much more, and I could feel it.
This is what The Fun Factor is all about. And, now, I'm sharing it all with you.
While not necessary, the most effective way to learn about the program is by going though the modules one by one, from top to bottom, and though you're reading chapters in a book. Look toward the menu "START HERE" to begin the process.