Fun Factor Essential #1
"Mental buoyancy - The ability to naturally perceive
one’s world through an optimistic filter."
I wracked my head trying to select a word that best defined what I was finding in my research and interviews. The word “ATTITUDE” just seemed so obvious. But I kept it because it was a great word to lean into when trying to pull it all together. Perhaps the Attitude Essential is the all encompassing nature of The Fun Factor? I'm not thinking so, but anyway.
Specific to The Fun Factor, ATTITUDE is simply a matter of being naturally buoyant, not allowing things to bog you down, regardless of the spectrum of good or bad. I envision People with this sort of attitude just let things be. They don’t spend too much time trying to force anything. And, it’s not as through they have other things to do and can’t be distracted; they simply don't perceive things as particularly important when viewed from a bigger picture perspective. (It’s important to suggest here that they are not unempathetic. They care very much. Almost too much, but they care about life in a broad yet deep way, and that makes them true lovers of life all around them.)
Amazingly, I found that those with heightened levels of the ATTITUDE attribute often experienced something significant in life that fundamentally changed their value system. It could be the loss of a loved one, a sickness or injury, etc. If you've experienced something like this take moment to consider what that did to you, how you handled it and how you now look at your world and your life.