The Art Gallery Behind Your Eyes
When was the last time you surprised yourself? When did a thought about you teach you something you hadn't recognized?
Recall last time you did this and you stopped and you stared at some image or picture or painting. Recall how it made you feel. Something about *that* vision, *that* view, *that* perspective, *that* sense of utter surprise that stopped all time, and took you to a different place.
You transcended. You traveled. Not in the sense of space and time, but of mind and spirit. And you became different. The moment you stopped and looked at *that* image, it resonated, and created a new you.
You are your own art gallery. Yes, you are.
You are always walking, looking, waking, and becoming new every time you enter the walls of your own art gallery. You are always looking at new thoughts and new visions and new dreams and new horizons for yourself.
Are you looking? Are you paying attention to the artwork behind your eyes?
Are you allowing yourself to become new? Reborn, essentially, each time a new vision resonates? Better? Greater? Happier? Transcendent?
When you walk down the aisles of your mind, keep it completely open. Just as in the outside world, each piece of art stands in and of itself, ready to be realized and awakened. Else you might just miss one of those pieces of artwork stuck back in the recesses of your imagination. That next New You.
You create the most dazzling images and artwork the universe has ever seen. Keep painting.